Indianapolis Star features Keith Cooper and the Exoneration Justice Clinic

Author: Staff

Keith Cooper, the first person in Indiana history to win a governor’s pardon based on actual innocence, sits outside in front of a brown house

On December 3, the Indianapolis Star published a feature article about Keith Cooper — a man whose wrongful conviction in nearby Elkhart, Indiana, helped inspire the creation of the Exoneration Justice Clinic.

“Keith is a passionate advocate for helping other innocent people just like him, especially other wrongfully convicted people from Elkhart,” Adjunct Professor Elliot Slosar told the Star. “He has always made a point of encouraging students in our project and lawyers to help free other wrongfully convicted people from Elkhart.”

Professor Jimmy Gurulé, director of the Exoneration Justice Clinic, appointed Cooper to the clinic’s advisory board. 

“It’s wonderful to see those law students fighting to get innocent people out of prison,” Cooper said. “There’s a lot of Keith Coopers. Let’s get them out.”

Read the full article on the Indianapolis Star website.